[Book] Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Harry Potter, #1) by J.K. Rowling - #5 in Fiction 📚
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling - Book Review
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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling is a spellbinding debut that has captured hearts both in the UK and around the world, earning major literary accolades and topping adult bestseller lists. The story introduces us to Harry Potter, a boy orphaned as a child and forced to live with his cruel aunt and uncle, Petunia and Vernon Dursley, along with their spoiled son, Dudley. While Dudley enjoys the luxury of two rooms (one just for his excessive toys, including the TV set he destroyed in a tantrum), Harry is relegated to a cupboard under the stairs, has never celebrated a birthday in his 11 years, and wears his cousin's hand-me-downs that are far too big for him.
But Harry is destined for greatness—something hinted at by the lightning-shaped scar on his forehead. One day, an unexpected letter arrives, informing Harry that he has been accepted to Hogwarts, the prestigious school for witches and wizards, the magical equivalent of Harvard. Before the year is out, Harry will encounter a dragon, befriend a melancholic centaur, and battle a three-headed dog. He'll learn to fly on a broomstick and use an invisibility cloak. Though the magic is wonderfully captivating, the true enchantment of the book lies in the characters' emotional journeys, much like Roald Dahl's work. Rowling has a remarkable talent for keeping her characters' fears, triumphs, and emotions grounded, even as the supernatural world unfolds around them.
We share Harry’s anxiety when, on his first trip to Hogwarts, he finds himself a young boy at a busy train station, a trunk larger than him in tow, with no idea how to find Platform 9¾. The world Rowling creates is one where some children are born into wizarding families, raised to expect magical greatness, while others—like Harry—are "Muggles" who discover their own special powers only when they receive their acceptance letters. As Harry worries that he won’t measure up to the privileged children of famous wizards, I couldn’t help but think back to my own first days at college, feeling like an outsider in a sea of prep-school kids.
"I bet I'm the worst in the class," Harry says.
"You won't be," his friend assures him. "There are lots of people from Muggle families, and they catch on pretty fast."
The book is filled with delightful, sharp humor. At Hogwarts, exams don't just mean essays; they include practical tests like Professor Flitwick’s challenge to move a pineapple across a desk with magic, or Professor McGonagall’s test where students must transform a mouse into a snuffbox (with bonus points for making it look pretty—though you lose points for adding bristles).
For most of the novel, the characters are richly developed and interact seamlessly within the plot. However, in the final chapters, there are a few moments where the storytelling falters. Some plot twists feel a bit forced, and a few characters start acting in ways that seem out of sync with their personalities—most notably, Hagrid. The lovable giant who has always been there to protect Harry suddenly becomes oddly gullible and willing to let Harry take the fall for something that is clearly Hagrid's fault. It’s a slight inconsistency, but one that stands out.
These are minor quibbles, though. Overall, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is as heartwarming, thrilling, and magical as its origins. J.K. Rowling, a former teacher and single mother living in a modest Edinburgh flat, wrote the first draft of the book by hand while her daughter napped. Just like Harry, she had magic inside her—and has since transcended her humble beginnings to create something truly extraordinary.
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Don’t miss out on this captivating journey!
This book isn’t just a story—it’s an immersive world of adventure, emotion, and unforgettable characters that will stay with you long after the last page.
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